Wednesday, March 16, 2011

S.O.S. CALLING ALL CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYERS! Quick Question: What's the point of voting?

(it didn't really say reinvert, it used to say reinvent, shooter just made it look that way...)

Our "oh shucks, he's so geeky" gubernatorial CEO of the State of Michigan, Ricky Snyder is trying not only to turn our state around fiscally, he is f**king flipping democracy on its head! You all were busy watching Governor Walker rock Wisconsin's world, while Snyder was in his Lansing office quietly putting his sheep's clothing on.

Here we go, from the Michigan Messenger

"According to the law, which has already been approved in the House, the governor will be able to declare "financial emergency" in towns or school districts and appoint someone to fire local elected officials, break contracts, seize and sell assets, and eliminate services.
Under the law whole cities or school districts could be eliminated without any public participation or oversight, and amendments designed to provide minimal safeguards and public involvement were voted down."

Remember when you used to cast a vote, and elect someone to office? At the local level, it's the only time you really feel that your vote makes a difference, right? Many people know, or have met their mayors or city council members, personally. What's the point of voting when you know that the Governor can give anything (your city, your school system, etc...) to anyone he wants?

Look mom, cartoons! Do you think POPEYE will help us?

While reading an story on the "Anonymous" release of Bank of America emails regarding their participation in fraudulent foreclosures, we came across this gem of a short film/video. If you have trouble understanding why in the last five years you:

1) Lost your humble abode
2) Found 10+ credit cards in your wallet (Average interest rate: 29.99%)
3) Developed an irrational fear of Ben Bernanke 
4) Can no longer feed your dog
5) Regretted voting for "HOPE" in 2008

Then eat some spinach (organic), watch the video, forward to your friends and loved ones, and leave a comment. The next post will surely make your blood boil, even if this one doesn't.